Orion Nebula
This shot of the Orion Nebula was captured over several day of shooting in the California Mountain outside of Irvine, CA.
The final shot represents over 500 individual photographs ranging from 15 seconds to 30 seconds in exposure length. Around 200 of the photos included a narrowband filter to highlight the Hydrogen Alpha light emissions of the nebula.
After each imaging session, a series of calibration frames are shot to reduce the dust and debris that may be in the imaging train as well as to subtract any “hot pixels) on the camera, which, ironically, look like stars on the black background.
Once the images are taken, they are all input into a stacking program which will arrange all the light frames (images) and register them and align them by stacking the stars on top of each other to render on giant image. While this process is happening, the calibration frames are overlayed digitally to remove dust and debris and the hot pixels.
Once the master file, usually a TIFF, is rendered, then hours of work still are needed to stretch, and color correct the image to what is shows as a final product.
All told, about 20-30 hours of labor at a minimum go into each of my images.
I hop you enjoy my image of the Orion Nebula.
The final shot represents over 500 individual photographs ranging from 15 seconds to 30 seconds in exposure length. Around 200 of the photos included a narrowband filter to highlight the Hydrogen Alpha light emissions of the nebula.
After each imaging session, a series of calibration frames are shot to reduce the dust and debris that may be in the imaging train as well as to subtract any “hot pixels) on the camera, which, ironically, look like stars on the black background.
Once the images are taken, they are all input into a stacking program which will arrange all the light frames (images) and register them and align them by stacking the stars on top of each other to render on giant image. While this process is happening, the calibration frames are overlayed digitally to remove dust and debris and the hot pixels.
Once the master file, usually a TIFF, is rendered, then hours of work still are needed to stretch, and color correct the image to what is shows as a final product.
All told, about 20-30 hours of labor at a minimum go into each of my images.
I hop you enjoy my image of the Orion Nebula.